Théo Untrau
Welcome to my webpage! I am currently "agrégé préparateur" at the
ENS Rennes (it is essentially a postdoctoral / teaching assistant position). I did my PhD at the
IMB (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux) under the supervision of
Guillaume Ricotta and
Florent Jouve. I am interested in number theory and I am currently working on questions about the equidistribution of some families of exponential sums.
I did my second year of master in Bordeaux, in the master AGTN/ALGANT.
Before that, I was a student at the ENS Rennes and at the Université de Rennes 1, where I obtained the agrégation in 2019.
Contact :
Bureau E 036 F, Bâtiment Alfred Sauvy.
ENS Rennes, avenue Robert Schuman, 35170 Bruz.