About me
I'm a PhD student in computer science supervised by Camille Marchet and Jean-Stéphane Varré in the Bonsai team at Univ Lille. I was previously a student at ENS Rennes, I completed a Master's degree in theoretical computer science in the MPRI and also spent a semester at EPFL. (More details in my resume, French version)
I'm interested in algorithmic bioinformatics, with a focus on randomized algorithms and space-efficient data structures. I'm currently working on representations of k-mer sets that preserve locality.
- [06/2023] Our paper on Fractional Hitting Sets has been accepted to WABI!
- [03/2023] I'm joining Camille Marchet and Antoine Limasset to work on locality-preserving representation of k-mer sets!
- [06/2022] I did a semester project supervised by Ola Svensson on the forest augmentation problem. [slides]
- [12/2021] I did a semester project with Erwan Le Merrer and Gilles Trédan on the indistinguishability of black-box recommenders outputs.
- [07/2021] I did my first research internship with Dominique Lavenier in the GenScale team. I've been working on a new algorithm for aligning long genomic sequences in the consensus problem. [report] [slides]
- Fractional Hitting Sets for Efficient and Lightweight Genomic Data Sketching, with Timothé Rouzé, Camille Marchet & Antoine Limasset, WABI 2023
[paper] [slides] [poster]
- [2023-2024] Teaching assistant: Compression de l'information, détection et correction d'erreurs
- [2023-2024] Teaching assistant: Javascript
Recent activities
Some of the things I've been developing lately:
- a Rust library for building succinct De Bruijn graphs
- a Python library to reconstruct the social graph of Mastodon
- a LaTeX theme for scientific posters
- a fast sudoku solver based on dancing links
- an algorithm for the alignment of long genomic sequences
- two oracle attacks targeting AES and RSA encryption