Dylan Bellier

75 rue Alphonse Guérin 35000 Rennes dylan.bellier[@]ens-rennes.fr

I'm a Ph.D. student at ENS Rennes. I am working at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique et en Systèmes Aléatoires (IRISA) in the LogicA team lead by Sophie Pinchinat. For my Ph.D, I studiy the concept of dependency in a strategic context under the supervision of Sophie Pinchinat (UR1) and François Schwarzentruber (ENS Rennes).

In research, I am mostly interested in modal logics, and more specifically temporal logics and strategic logics. I am also very curious about any well defined decision problem: I like to think about what makes a problem computationnaly hard. Because of my topic, I also have an interest in game theory.

Apart from logics, I like climbing boulder, snow surfing and playing MTG.


I have started my PhD in september of 2020. My subject is "Designing languages for expressing dependencies in strategic reasoning".



Dylan Bellier, Massimo Benerecetti, Dario Della Monica, Fabio Mogavero

Dylan Bellier, Massimo Benerecetti, Dario Della Monica, Fabio Mogavero


Dylan Bellier, Sophie Pinchinat, François Schwarzentruber


Graduating in computeur science

École Normale Supérieur Rennes

I have done 3 years at ENS Rennes and got my master in Computer Science from the University of Rennes 1 and a "magistère" diploma from ENS Rennes. During my first year I attended lectures about the following topics: Lebesgue Integration, Graph Algoritmic, Programming, Formal Language and Calculability, Cyber Security, Network, Architecture, Logic and Cryptography.

In my second year, I learned about Solveur Principle and Architecure, Semantic of Programming Languages, Formal Analysis and Conception, Theory of Complexity, Syntaxe Driven Programming and Game Theory Anatomy. Nowaday, I follow courses about Databases, Combinatorial Optimisation and Related Algorith, Theory of Information, Distributed Systems, Epistemology and Static Analysis.

Finally, for my third and last year, I followed lessons on Advanced Architecture, Advanced Semantics with an introduction to Category Theory, Complex System Verification on Markov chains and Timed Automata, Big Data and Optimization of parallel computers.

September 2017 - Present

Preparating competitive examination

Lycée Fermat

I spent three years learning maths, physics and computer science in order to pass the enterance examination for ENS.

September 2014 - July 2017


Here is my Curriculum Vitae

Link here : in french and in english

Not contractual