Research thematic
My research focuses on formal methods, especially:
- Formal Verification: Monitoring, Lightweight method, Concurrent systems (Higher Dimension Automata & Higher Dimensional Timed Automata), Timed Automata, Robustness, Temporal Logic
- Algebra, Goemetry: Polyedra, Symbolic Optimisation, Well Quasi-order, Complexity, Algebraic Topology
- But also: Robotics, Multi-agents systems, SMT, RL
This year, I am currently working on:
- Lightweight method of verification, in particular Monitoring for Parametric Timed with Data Automata
- Model-Checking & Monitoring for Concurrenct Systems, in particular Higher Dimensional Timed Automata.
- On the study of iiPomsets and verification on Higher Dimensional Automata, in particular tempora logic.
- Robustness of Timed Systems, in particular Timed Automata
- Geometric properties of random groups, in particular hyperbolic properties.
I am very interested in real-life case study for verification, do not hesitate to reach me about this research topic.
Short CV
- A brief summary of what I did during my thesis can be found here (last update: 13/10/2021)
- CV (last update: 12/03/2024)
- (01/10) I am now postdoctoral researcher at LIPN, under Étienne André supervision, in LoVe Team.
- (24/05) Our paper about Interval pomset with interface has been accepted to RAMICS 2024 ! link
- (18/03) Enzo Erlich joins Jeremy Ledent and I to work on HDA for its M2 Internship
- (mid-march) Our paper about HDTA has been accepted to Petri Nets 2024 ! (Program)
Sheduled talks
- 18/02/2025: Veridis Team Seminar (TBA) at Loria (Nancy)
- 28/11/2024: MoVe Team Seminar (Robotics) at Lip6 Lab (Paris 5e).
See previous talks here.
We can find my publication list on DBLP or HAL.
- 2024:[ABCFZ24] Presenting Interval Pomsets with Interfaces (long version), RAMICS 2024, Amazigh Amrane, Hugo Bazille, Emily Clement, Uli Fahrenberg, Krzysztof Ziemianski;
- 2024:[ABCH24] Languages of Higher-Dimensional Timed Automata (long version), Petri Nets 2024, Amazigh Amrane, Hugo Bazille, Emily Clement, Uli Fahrenberg;
- 2023:[CPS23] Layered controller synthesis for dynamic multi-agent systems (long version). FORMATS2023. Emily Clement, Nicolas Perrin-Gilbert, Philipp Schlehuber-Caissier;
- 2020:[CJMM20] Computing maximally-permissive strategies in acyclic timed automata (long version). FORMATS2020. Emily Clement, Thierry Jéron, Nicolas Markey, David Mentré ;
2024: Expressivity of Linear Temporal Logic for Pomset Languages of Higher Dimensional Automata, Emily Clement, Enzo Erlich, Jeremy Ledent
I have the following projects:
- Robustness of Timed Automata: an implemenation, in Python, of an algorithm that computes the robustness of Timed Automata for delay pertubation. See PySymRobustness and PyNumRobustness in my Inria Gitlab Page here
- Layered controller synthesis project here with demo here. This project is written in Python.
- A current project to implement different algorithm of Gröbner Basis computation : here . This project is written in Ocaml.
- Enzo Erlich : Master 2 Student March 2024 - August 2024, Language of Higher Dimensional Automata (co-supervision With Jérémy Ledent), now PhD student at LRE-IRIF.