About me

I am currently a State Scolarship of Merit second yearstudent in computer science at ENS Rennes (formerly ENS Cachan, Brittany Extension).


E-mail: claude.stolze@ens-rennes.fr


2013-Today: Advanced degree (first year) in Computer Science, with an emphasis on mathematics. ENS Rennes, France
2012-2013: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science with an emphasis on mathematics. ENS Rennes, France
2010-2012: French "Classes Préparatoires" MPSI-MP: Two year undergraduate intensive courses, major in mathematics and physics. Lycée Fabert, Metz, France.
2010: French "Baccalauréat Scientifique". Lycée Louis Vincent, Metz, France.


July-August 2013: Research Internship Solving dominoes Paris-Dauphine University, Paris, France.

Technical skills

Programming: OCaml, Java, C, C++, Latex.


French: Mother tongue
English: Fluent.