Here is a non-exhaustive list of my projects. I would love to have any feedback about it ;)

 Fractal tracer

Here is my first time struggling with OCaml. When I discover fractal, I immediately fell in love with those strange object, so I decide to make a small fractal tracer to explore Mandelbrot and Julia set. I also make one for the Buddhabrot. Later, I made a tracer for the Feigenbaum diagram and for the Hénon map. I strongly discourage any reading of the code, which is really ugly due to my very little experience with OCaml at this time.


LILiS as “Library to Interpret Lindenmayer System” is a tool to evaluate and visualize L-system. I have began it development at the same time (and with the same motivation : pretty fractals ☺ !) than the fractal tracer but it has received far more love.

Written in OCaml, it his mostly functional (by paradigm and usability) and available here.