About me
I am currently looking for employment in teaching/academic research in formal verification. I obtained my PhD in computer science in 2020, and I used to be a state scolarship of merit student in computer science at ENS Rennes (formerly ENS Cachan, Brittany Extension).
E-mail | victor[dot]roussanaly[at]ens-rennes[dot]fr
Phone | +33 6 69 62 67 06
2017-2020 | PhD Efficient verification of real-time systems suprvised by Nicolas Markey and Ocan Sankur. IRISA-Univ Rennes 1, France
2013-2017 | Master degree (break between 2014-2016) major in Computer science, minor in mathematics. ENS Rennes, France
2012-2013 | Bachelor degree major in Computer Science, minor in mathematics. ENS Rennes, France
2010-2012 | French "Classes Préparatoires" MPSI-MP: Two year undergraduate intensive courses, major in mathematics and physics.
Lycée Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France
2010 | French "Baccalauréat Scientifique". Lycée Loritz, Nancy, France
2017-2020 | Formal Languages with Gilles Lesvente. 1st Years ENS Rennes, France
2017-2020 | Model and Formal verification using Automata with Sophie Pinchinat Master students, Univ Rennes 1
TChecker | Tool for reachability study in timed automata and their extensions. C++
SymRob | Tool for symbolic study of timed automata. OCaml
Framboizbot | Cross platform moderation bot using machine learning. JScript, NodeJS, Python
Misc. Experiences
February 2017-June 2017 | Research Internship Abstraction refinement for weighted timed automata, supervised by Nicolas Markey and Ocan Sankur. IRISA, Rennes, France
December 2015-July 2016 | Research Internship Model checking for Kahn Process networks using Channel Systems, supervised by Christel Baier. TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
September 2014-April 2015 | Year Off Traveling aroud the world with a backpack. Mongolia, China, India, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, USA, Canada
May-August 2014 | Research Internship Decidabilty results on Iterative Arrays with restricted communications supervised by Andreas MALCHER. Institut für Informatik, Giessen, Germany
July-August 2013 | Research Internship Exploration of the Cosynchronysm in Elementary Cellular Automaton supervised by Nazim FATÈS. LORIA, Nancy, France
Technical skills
Programming | OCaml, Java, C, C++, Ruby, Isabelle, Python, JScript.
Misc. | Linux, Latex, Git, GNUPlot, NodeJS.
French | Mother tongue
English | Fluent. TOEIC 2013: 945/990
German | Conversational
Japanes | Conversational