Nodes represents authors—hover for full names.
Reacting and Adapting to the Environment—Designing Autonomous Methods for Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimisation,§
Aymeric Blot,
In Université de Lille, September 2018.
[hal ]
[bib ]
[pdf ]
[pdf2 ]
[slides ]
A Comprehensive Survey of Benchmarks for Improvement of Software's Non-Functional Properties,§
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke,
In Computing Surveys, Just Accepted, ACM, December 2024.
[doi ]
[preprint ]
workshop summary
Genetic Improvement @ ICSE 2023,§
William B. Langdon, Vesna Nowack, Justyna Petke, Markus Wagner, Hyeonseok Lee, Erik M. Fredericks, Gabin An, and Aymeric Blot,
In ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 48 (4): 51–59, ACM, October 2023.
[doi ]
[bib ]
Empirical Comparison of Search Heuristics for Genetic Improvement of Software,§
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke,
In IEEE TEVC, 25(5): 1001-1011, IEEE, March 2021.
[doi ]
[preprint ]
[supplement ]
[code ]
workshop summary
Genetic Improvement @ ICSE 2020,§
William B. Langdon, Westley Weimer, Justyna Petke, Erik Fredericks, Seongmin Lee, Emily Winter, Michail Basios, Myra B. Cohen, Aymeric Blot, Markus Wagner, Bobby R. Bruce, Shin Yoo, Simos Gerasimou, Oliver Krauss, Yu Huang, and Michael Gerten,
In ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 45 (4): 24–30, ACM, October 2020.
[doi ]
[bib ]
(preprint in arXiv)
Automatic Configuration of Multi-Objective Local Search Algorithms for Permutation Problems,§
Aymeric Blot, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci, Laetitia Jourdan, and Holger H. Hoos,
In Evolutionary Computation, 27(1): 147–171, MIT Press, March 2019.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
(extends previous GECCO and EMO papers)
Survey and Unification of Local Search Techniques in Multi-Objective Metaheuristics,§
Aymeric Blot, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci, and Laetitia Jourdan,
In Journal of Heuristics, 24(6): 853–877, Springer, May 2018.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
short paper
Genetically Improved Software with fewer Data Caches Misses,§
William B. Langdon, Justyna Petke, Aymeric Blot, and David Clark,
In GECCO'23 Compagnion: 799–802, ACM, Lisbon (Spain), July 2023.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[poster ]
[video ]
(long version in arXiv)
Genetic Improvement of LLVM Intermediate Representation,§
William B. Langdon, Afnan Al-Subaihin, Aymeric Blot, and David Clark,
In EuroGP'23, LNCS 13986: 244-259, Springer, Brno (Czech Republic), April 2023.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
challenge track
Refining Fitness Functions for Search-Based Automated Program Repair—A Case Study with ARJA and ARJA-e,§
Giovani Guizzo, Aymeric Blot, James Callan, Justyna Petke, and Federica Sarro,
In SSBSE'21, LNCS 12914: 159–165, Springer, Bari (Italy), October 2021.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
Comparing Genetic Programming Approaches for Non-Functional Genetic Improvement—Case Study: Improvement of MiniSAT’s Running Time,§
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke,
In EuroGP'20, LNCS 12101: 68–83, Springer, Seville (Spain), April 2020.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
tool track
PyGGI 2.0: Language Independent Genetic Improvement Framework,§
Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, Justyna Petke, and Shin Yoo,
In ESEC/FSE'19: 1100–1104, ACM, Tallinn (Estonia), March 2019.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[code ]
[demo ]
Configuration of a Dynamic MOLS Algorithm for Bi-objective Flowshop Scheduling,§
Camille Pageau, Aymeric Blot, Holger H. Hoos, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci, and Laetitia Jourdan,
In EMO'19, LNCS 11411: 565–577, Springer, East Lansing (Michigan, USA), March 2019.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
Automatic Configuration of Multi-objective Optimization Algorithms—Impact of Correlation between Objectives,§
Aymeric Blot, Holger H. Hoos, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci, and Laetitia Jourdan,
In IEEE ICTAI'18: 571–578, IEEE, Volos (Greece), November 2018.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
New Initialisation Techniques for Multi-Objective Local Search—Application to the Bi-objective Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem,§
Aymeric Blot, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci, and Laetitia Jourdan,
In PPSN'18, LNCS 11101: 323–334, Springer, Coimbra (Portugal), September 2018.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[poster ]
(best paper nomination)
Adaptive Multi-Objective Local Search Algorithms for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem,§
Aymeric Blot, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci, Laetitia Jourdan, and Patrick De Causmaecker,
In LION'18, LNCS 11353: 241–256, Springer, Kalamata (Greece), June 2018.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
Automatic Design of Multi-objective Local Search Algorithms,§
Aymeric Blot, Laetitia Jourdan, and Marie-Éléonore Kessaci-Marmion,
In GECCO'17: 227–234, ACM, Berlin (Germany), July 2017.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
(best paper nomination; journal extension)
short paper
AMH: a new Framework to Design Adaptive Metaheuristics,§
Aymeric Blot, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci-Marmion, and Laetitia Jourdan,
In MIC'17/MAEB'17, Barcelona (Spain), July 2017.
[hal ]
[pdf ]
[slides ]
Automatically Configuring Multi-objective Local Search using Multi-objective Optimisation,§
Aymeric Blot, Alexis Pernet, Laetitia Jourdan, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci-Marmion, and Holger H. Hoos,
In EMO'17, LNCS 10173: 61–76, Springer, Münster (Germany), March 2017.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
(journal extension)
MO-ParamILS: A Multi-objective Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework,§
Aymeric Blot, Holger H. Hoos, Laetitia Jourdan, Marie-Éléonore Marmion, and Heike Trautmann,
In LION'16, LNCS 10079: 32–47, Springer, Ischia Island (Napoli, Italy), May 2016.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
Neutral but a Winner! How Neutrality helps Multiobjective Local Search Algorithms,§
Aymeric Blot, Hernán Aguirre, Clarisse Dhaenens, Laetitia Jourdan, Marie-Éléonore Marmion, and Kiyoshi Tanaka,
In EMO'15, LNCS 9018: 34–47, Springer, Guimarães (Portugal), March 2015.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
Neutrality in the Graph Coloring Problem,§
Marie-Éléonore Marmion, Aymeric Blot, Laetitia Jourdan, and Clarisse Dhaenens,
In LION'13, LNCS 7997: 125–130, Springer, Catania (Italy), January 2013.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[pdf ]
Magpie—Machine Automated General Performance Improvement via Evolution of Software,
Aymeric Blot,
At the 63rd CREST Open Workshop (COW), London (United Kingdom), March 2023.
[slides ]
[code ]
Evaluation of Genetic Improvement Tools for Improvement of Non-functional Properties of Software,§
Shengjie Zuo, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke,
In the GI@GECCO'22 workshop: 1956–1965, ACM, Boston (MA, USA), February 2022.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
(best paper award)
Refining Fitness Functions for Search-Based Program Repair,§
Zhiqiang Bian, Justyna Petke, and Aymeric Blot,
In the APR@ICSE'21 workshop: 1–8, IEEE, Madrid (Spain), May 2021.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[code ]
Uniform Edit Selection for Genetic Improvement—Empirical Analysis of Mutation Operator Efficacy,§
Marta Smigielska, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke,
In the GI@ICSE'21 workshop: 1–8, IEEE, Madrid (Spain), May 2021.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[code ]
position paper
Refining Fitness Functions in Test-Based Program Repair,§
Justyna Petke and Aymeric Blot,
In the APR@ICSE'20 workshop: 13–14, ACM, Seoul (South Korea), July 2020.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
position paper
Stack-Based Genetic Improvement,§
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke,
In the GI@ICSE'20 workshop: 289–290, ACM, Seoul (South Korea), July 2020.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
position paper
Synthetic Benchmarks for Genetic Improvement,§
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke,
In the GI@ICSE'20 workshop: 287–288, ACM, Seoul (South Korea), July 2020.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
position paper
On Adaptive Specialisation in Genetic Improvement,§
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke,
In the GI@GECCO'19 workshop, GECCO'19 (Companion): 1703–1704, ACM, Prague (Czech Republic), July 2019.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
position paper
Fuzzy Edit Sequences in Genetic Improvement,§
Aymeric Blot,
In the GI@ICSE'19 workshop: 30–31, ACM, Montreal (QC, Canada), May 2019.
[doi ]
[bib ]
[preprint ]
[slides ]
Automatic Design of a Dynamic Multi-Objective Local Search Algorithm,§
Camille Pageau, Aymeric Blot, Holger H. Hoos, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci, and Laetitia Jourdan,
At the EvoML@PPSN'18 workshop, Coimbra (Portugal), September 2018.
Automatic Design of Multi-Objective Local Search Algorithms,
At the 2017 COSEAL Workshop, Brussels (Belgium), September 2017.
Tuning using Multiple Criteria—Forwarding more Information to the Configurator,
Aymeric Blot,
At the Dagstuhl Seminar 16412, Schloss Dagstuhl (Germany), October 2016.
Extension of NILS to the Multi-Objective Optimization—Case study: The Multi-Objective Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem,
Marie-Éléonore Marmion and Aymeric Blot,
At the SBLPA@PPSN'14 workshop, Ljubljana (Slovenia), October 2014.
Using Genetic Improvement to Optimise Optimisation Algorithm Implementations,§
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke,
In ROADEF'22, Lyon (France), February 2022.
[hal ]
[pdf ]
[slides ]
A Dynamic Algorithm Framework to Automatically Design a Multi-Objective Local Search,§
Camille Pageau, Aymeric Blot, Holger H. Hoos, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci, and Laetitia Jourdan,
In ROADEF'19, Le Havre (France), February 2019.
[hal ]
[pdf ]
AMH: une plate-forme pour le design et le contrôle automatique de métaheuristiques multi-objectif,§
Aymeric Blot, Marie-Éléonore Kessaci-Marmion, and Laetitia Jourdan,
In ROADEF'17, Metz (France), February 2017.
[hal ]
[pdf ]
MO-ParamILS: un framework multi-objectif pour la configuration automatique,§
Aymeric Blot and Holger H. Hoos,
In ROADEF'16, Compiègne (France), February 2016.
[hal ]
[pdf ]
Neutralité du problème de Coloration de Graphe,§
Marie-Éléonore Marmion, Aymeric Blot, Laetitia Jourdan, and Clarisse Dhaenens,
In ROADEF'13, Troyes (France), February 2013.
[hal ]
[pdf ]
Neutrality in the Graph Coloring Problem,§
Marie-Éléonore Marmion, Aymeric Blot, Laetitia Jourdan, and Clarisse Dhaenens,
In Rapport de Recherche INRIA, RR-8215, January 2013.
[hal ]
[pdf ]
Reinforcement Learning for Mutation Operator Selection in Automated Program Repair,§
Carol Hanna, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke,
In CoRR abs/2306.05792, June 2023.
[arxiv ]
[pdf ]
GI Software with fewer Data Cache Misses,§
William B. Langdon, Justyna Petke, Aymeric Blot, and David Clark,
In CoRR abs/2304.03235, April 2023.
[arxiv ]
[pdf ]
(short version published in GECCO-comp)
A Comprehensive Survey of Benchmarks for Automated Improvement of Software's Non-Functional Properties,§
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke,
In CoRR abs/2212.08540, December 2022.
[arxiv ]
[pdf ]
[artefact ]
MAGPIE: Machine Automated General Performance Improvement via Evolution of Software,§
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke,
In CoRR abs/2208.02811, August 2022.
[arxiv ]
[pdf ]
[code ]
workshop summary
Genetic Improvement @ ICSE 2020,§
William B. Langdon, Westley Weimer, Justyna Petke, Erik Fredericks, Seongmin Lee, Emily Winter, Michail Basios, Myra B. Cohen, Aymeric Blot, Markus Wagner, Bobby R. Bruce, Shin Yoo, Simos Gerasimou, Oliver Krauss, Yu Huang, and Michael Gerten,
In CoRR abs/2007.15987, July 2020.
[arxiv ]
[pdf ]
(published in SEN)
Neutrality in the Graph Coloring Problem,§
Marie-Éléonore Marmion, Aymeric Blot, Laetitia Jourdan, and Clarisse Dhaenens,
In CoRR abs/1301.6092, January 2013.
[arxiv ]
[pdf ]
(duplicate of Inria report)
Automated Software Performance Improvement with Magpie,
At the GI@ICSE 2024 Workshop, Lisbon (Portugal), April 2024.
[slides ]
[code ]
Genetic Improvement and Magpie,
At the 2023-2024 ENS Rennes Computer Science Seminars, Rennes (France), January 2024.
[slides ]
[code ]
Software Improvement with Gin: A Case Study,
At the SSBSE'2019 Symposium, Tallinn (Estonia), August 2019.
Automatic Design of Multi-Objective Local Search Algorithms,
At the 2017 OPTIMA Seminar, Lille (France), November 2017.
Reacting and Adapting to the Environment—Designing Autonomous Methods for Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimisation,
At the ATOM 2017 Summer School, Lille (France), June 2017.
[poster ]
How to React and Adapt to the Environment—Designing Autonomous Methods for Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization,
At the 2016 ORKAD Symposium, Lille (France), June 2016.
MO-ParamILS—A Multi-objective Iterated Local Search for Automatic Algorithm Configuration,
At the EWG Data Science for Optimisation Foundational Meeting, Leuven (Belgium), April 2016.
Analyse de paysage et algorithmes de recherche locale en multi-objectif,
At the 2014 ATOM Annual Meeting, Paris (France), June 2014.