Antoine Peyronnet's Homepage
Table des matières
- 1. About me
- 2. Some documents written in 2nd year at ENS (Master 1)
- 3. Some documents written in 1st year at ENS (L3)
- 4. Conseils
- 5. Miscellaneous
1. About me
Normalien à l'ENS de Rennes
I am presently in 2nd year at ENS Rennes.
This year I chose to read mathematics at ENS and philosophy at Université de Rennes 1 as an extra class.
Let's talk about my fields of interests in maths !
Even if I consider myself as extremely young on the mathematic academic curriculum, I am most interested in the fields of geometries and topology.
Let's get in touch
2. Some documents written in 2nd year at ENS (Master 1)
A lot of the documents I present here may have some mistakes. Don't hesitate to contact me about it.
2.1. Groupe de Lecture: Statistiques
In 2nd year, students at the ens must participate to what we call "groupe de lecture", which basically is a seminar between students supervised by a professor at ENS.
I chose to work with Eliel Leduc at the "groupe de lecture" of Statistics under the supervision of Prof.Magalie Fromont.
During the second semester I will choose the "groupe de lecture" of Analysis.
We worked on how does optimal transport theory could be used in AI to correct bias based on an article of Eustasio Del Barrio, Fabrice Gamboa, Paula Gordaliza Jean-Michel Loubes: Obtaining Fairness Using Optimal Transport Theory
See under the beamer. Key words: bias, Wassertstein metric, optimal transport theory, total repair, partial repair...
2.2. Autre
En deuxième année, nous avons un cours d'algèbre (ALGB), voici le CC_DM qu'il y avait à faire:
3. Some documents written in 1st year at ENS (L3)
A lot of the documents I present here may have some mistakes. Don't hesitate to contact me about it.
3.1. My internship at Ecole Polytechnique May to June 2022: Approxmative radiative solutions to Einstein Equations
I had the opportunity to do my 1st year internship at Ecole Polytechnique CMLS under the supervision of Arthur Touati and Cecile Huneau.
The subject belongs to the field of mathematics of general relativity.
3.2. Interpolation techniques between Lebesgue spaces (co written with Farid Beghdadi).
En première année, j'ai réalisé avec Farid Beghdadi un mémoire encadré par Pr.Miguel Rodrigues
3.3. Personal "research" in L3
En première année, je me suis intéressé à des questions restées ouvertes dans le cours que j'ai tentées de résoudre.
Il y a sans doute encore des petites coquilles. Je n'ai pas eu le temps de les relire
Suite au cours sur Fourier en 1re anné, nous pouvons nous demander quelles sont les vecteurs propres de la transformée de Fourier sur L2
La preuve fait appel à de nombreuses techniques "classiques" d'analyse de la L3
Je me suis intéressé à une généralisation du théorème chinois, ce qui donne un théorème de structure sur les anneaux commutatifs finis
Quelques exercices corrigés (à venir ou à reprendre c'est à la limite du présentable pour le moment )
En deuxième année, nous avons un cours d'algèbre (ALGB), voici le CC_DM qu'il y avait à faire
3.4. Some corrections of exercices given in L3
3.4.1. Fonctions Holomorphes
3.4.2. Espaces vectoriels normés et Calcul Différentiel
4. Conseils
Conseils pour sa prépa ou pour son entrée dans le parcours universitaire supérieur
4.2. Exos d'oraux
4.2.1 L'X
Ecole Polytechnique |
4.2.2 ENS
5. Miscellaneous
5.1. Philosophy
As I mentioned I am currently attending as well a second degree in philosphy. Here are some records of some classes I attended (that will eventually appear when I made them nice and clear)
5.1.1 1st Semester Philosophie Morale et Politique
Prof. Gabriel Maheo Philosophie de l'Esprit
Prof. Stephane Lemaire Philosophie en Anglais
Prof. Stephane Lemaire Histoire de la Philosophie 1
Prof. Jean-Christophe Darbout Histoire de la Philosophie 2
Prof. François Calori Philosophie en Allemand
Prof. Jacques Olivier Begot Logique
Prof. Pierre Joray
5.2. The Student's seminar
Moreover, one of the main ideals I share by doing math is always keeping in mind that mathematic is a community, and thus, it is crucial to create a platform where ideas can be expressed, communicated and shared among many people from different background, age etc….
To that extent last September I founded a seminar for the ENS students, which has gained a wide interest at the heart of the school. This initiative is now supported by the ENS professors.
In addition, the very concept of this initiative was to give the opportunity to all student to share some of their personal reading or pre-research, or even their point on view on maths which are expressed through the way they share the maths they do, in order to create healthy intellectual emulation in the school and also to share some ideas in maths that cannot be found through standard classes.
5.3. ConsciENS
With some collegues, we founded ConsciENS a club promoting free conferences, Q&A and debates. The crux of this initiative lies in creating a space where people can share and discuss ideas.
5.4. Chess
Also, I am a huge chess fan. I used to play 3 to 4 times a week in a club during my childhood and participated to some championships. I had to pause a bit this passion during my "classes preparatoires".
However arriving at ENS, I thought that being president of the ENS Chess club was a great opportunity to rebond with the joy of playing chess, and it is !
I very much enjoy gathering people between lunch times for instance to come and play and it has some success which I am glad !
5.5. Some links that can be useful
First some of my colleagues: like titouan donnart's homepage
Then there is the Minerve, a database where one can find tremendous documents for Agregation preparation exam, some works of other students, and also the schedules of the Student's seminar.
5.6. The Gault and Millau Ker Lann Version (originally: the Gault and Millau version Ker Lann sa mèèèère)
Rennes is full of good restaurants and pleasant pubs. I decided to record some of the advice I may give on some places. A website which will be specifically dedicated to it will soon emerge I hope. I have some trouble reaching the departement in charge of the computer system of the ENS. They seem very reluctant to host the future website without explaining why. Which seemingly means that they have what French people know as "MEGA FLEEEMMMMMMEEEE".
Anyway enjoy !
1. Restaurants
1.1 Pour les gourmets
Le Fuji Restaurant japonais de très grande qualité où le service agrémente des plats redonnant fois au sens du mot exquis dans un lieu de rennes calme et esthétique.
Néanmoins, il faut y consacrer un petit budget à moins de savoir négocier le prix en japonais: Jikan wa yokatta, umoretto mo onajiyōni kangaeru koto ga dekiru hazudesu !
1.2Pour un truc sur le pouce
Salsaj: sandwicherie libanaise vers Sainte Anne excellent rapport qualité prix avec des sandwichs libanais délicieux à 6,50€ (le best: Chawarma fromage)
Le Kôlocho propose des spécialités à base de pain brioché sucrées ou salées. Les plats sont généreux et ce pour des prix relativement abordables.
2. Pour se poser en fin de soirée
L'incontournable Kilkenny's Irish pub (dit aussi le Kil) bien connu des taroteurs de l'ENS offre une ambiance feutrée et hors du temps une fois la petite porte carrelée ouverte où l'ambiance chaleureuse mêlée aux vapeurs de ramasse et de croque au Nutella fondu ne saura que satisfaire les fêtards comme les personnages en quête d'aventure dans un lieu signant un mariage singulier entre l'Irlande et le pays basque
3. Pour écouter de la Ziiiiik
Le bar Alex's Tavern propose un karaoké le mardi à 21h30. Un shot est offert pour les dix premier inscrits. En revanche ce bar est cher.
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Created: 2022-12-18 dim. 22:10