Master 2, Computer Science (Third Year at ENS Rennes) 2018-2019

Computer Graphics : Rendering and Modeling 3D Scenes (CG)
Here is a link to the page of the course : CG
Computer Vision (CV)
Here is a link to the page of the course : CV
Motion for Animation and Robotics (MAR)
Here is a link to the page of the course : MAR
Virtual Reality and Multi-Sensory Interaction (VRI)
Here is a link to the page of the course : VRI
Image Representation, Editing and Perception (REP)
Here is a link to the page of the course : REP
Vocal and Auditive Interations (VAI)
Here is a link to the page of the course : VAI
Graph data processing (GDP)
Here is a link to the page of the course :GDP

Master 1, Computer Science (Second Year at ENS Rennes) 2017-2018

SML(Supervsed Machine Learning)
Here is a link to the page of the course : SML
DSL(Domain Specific Language)
Here is a link to the page of the course : DSL
BOX(Bio Informatic)
Here is a link to the page of the course : BOX
SEM (Semantic)
Here is a link to the page of the course : SEM
PDS (Syntax Directed Programmation)
Compilation: Project Compiler in OCaml from VSL+ to LLVM
ACF (Analyse and Formal Design)
Here is a link to the page of the course : ACF
Preparation for the TOEIC (Results 925)
PPAR (Parallel Programming)
Here is a link to the page of the course : PPAR
DS (Distributed language)
Here is a link to the page of the course : DS
TI: Information Theory and Coding
Here is a link to the page of the course : TI

Bachelor Year, First year at ENS Rennes 2016-2017

First semester

Fonctional programming (OCaml) et Object Oriented programming (Scala)
System (OS UNIX, C programmation ) and Network
Formal languages and automata
Basic Algorithmic
Lebesgue Integration
Optimisation and Cryptography
English lessons

Second semester

Advanced programmation (C++ and Lisp/Scheme)
Advanced Algorithmic
Architecture and Assembly
Logic (propositionnal and first order)
Applied statistic
Theoretical course on probability
Programmation OpenGL, 3D modeling, animation
English lessons