Research Internship

February 2019 - June 2019

Inria Rennes, team Rainbow, under the supervision of Julien Pettré and Claudio Pacchierotti

Haptic rendering of virtual contacts in crowded environments

The purpose of this internship was to use Haptic interface to simulate contact in a virtual environment, and to study the impact of these contacts on the behaviour of the immersed people.

I also worked on the OCSR project (Open Crowd Simulation Ressource) with the team.

May 2018 - June 2018

CIVC Team Northumbria University, Newcastle, under the supervision of Hubert P. H. Shum

Data-driven Modelling of Road Users Trajectories using Recurrent Neural Network

The purpose of this internship was to simulate interactions and trajectories of several road users using LSTM network, the dataset used for this project was the Standford drone dataset

May 2017 - June 2017

Inria Rennes, team MimeTIC, under the supervision of Franck Multon and Ludovic Hoyet

Improving real time display with Early recognition of Kinect Data

The purpose of this internship was to perform a real time display of movement thanks to movement recognition on Kinect data, using the plausible detected movement taken in the early stage of the recognition

Research Project

October 2017 - Mai 2018 (project of the first year of master)

Inria Rennes,under the supervision of Nathanaël Cheriere and Luc Bougé (Team KerData).

Optimizing MPI-collective operations on the THETA supercomputer, using asynchronous communication

Research Internship

May 2018 - July 2018

Northumbria University, Newcastle, CIVC Team, under the supervision of Pr. Hubert P. H. Shum

Data-driven Modelling of Road Users Trajectories using Recurrent Neural Network