Joseph Cabrita

Some projects

Ray Tracing

This project, made during class time, was made to train us with C++ programming and collaboratives tools like Git, and some other tools, like make. It has also help us to work with some mathematical and physical concept to be able to execute the ray tracing.

My Study Center

This project was created for the I.R.H.T.B. company, who make some Hypnotist training. This software was develop between 2014 and 2017, with the C++ Language, to help the company in the management of their students and their certificates. In fact, this software mix some database functions, generation of certificates, an all this shared under the network.

Delaunay's Triangulation

This project, made during the school time, in 2017, and has as an objective to implement in OCaml an algorithm of the Delaunay's triangulation. We also have work on some extensions of this algorithm, to permit some statistics on our triangulation, or some demonstrations step by step.

Driver School

This software, made in 2016, was created for a driver school, who try to give diverse lessons to their students, according to which one they have already made.
With a list of students and an other for the road code lessons, he can filter lessons to find one who have never been done by a present student.