During my thesis, I supervised Directed Work and Practical Work at the École Centrale de Nantes, in two different courses:
- Algorithms and Programming: this course focuses on algorithms and programming in C.
- Systems and Databases: this course focuses on the modeling of systems and databases. The practical work is on database implementation and SQL queries.
My Master 2 internship took place at the Laboratoire des Sciences Numériques de Nantes, in the Robotics and Life Sciences team. I continued on the same theme with a thesis, information about my work is available on the dedicated page.
During my first year of master's degree, I did an internship at the University of Namur, Belgium. I was in the NaXys team, and the topic was link prediction on dynamic online social networks. It was supervised by Renaud Lambiotte. Here is my internship report.
During my third year of bachelor's degree, I did an internship in the LAGADIC team at INRIA Rennes, surpervised by Éric Marchand. Here is my internship report (in French).
Teaching skills:
I present some activities of Unplugged Computer Science on
this page (in French).
Université de Nantes – faculté des Sciences et Techniques (FST)
Bâtiment 34
2 Chemin de la Houssinière
BP 92208, 44322 Nantes Cedex 3