


Work in progress

My PhD thesis

You can find here my PhD thesis.

Other texts I have written

For the non mathematician persons who came to my PhD defense, I wrote a text (in french) to explain my work to them.

A short and illutrated text in french about the geodesical flow on a surface and its property of being Anosov (with the help of Marie Trin for illustrations).

My Master 2 thesis. It contains a few more details than the article I have written about this work.

My Master 1 thesis. I have studied aperiodic tilings of the real line. Let us fix one. We consider the set of all the tilings obtained by a translation. We compactificate this space and then study continuous functions on it.

The thesis I have written (in french) during a initiation to the research in 3rd year of university (french Licence 3). I have tried to quantify the synchronicity of neurons, synchronicity responisible for Parkinson's disease. The spikes of a neuron are modelled with a Poisson point process. I have used statistical methods to detect a synchronicity and tested these methods on numerical simulations.

A document written with Clémetine Laurens after have read a part of this article, under the supervision of Franck Loray. We have worked on complex dynamics : iterations of polynoms and the Julia set.