Some documents are produced during my education. Warning : most of these writings are in french.
Master 2 (2022-2023)
Master 1 (2020-2021)
- First year master thesis, on A1-contractible curves (in english), and the associated slides (in french), under supervision of Paul Arne Østvaer, from Oslo University.
- Lecture notes on elliptic functions, during a course of Guy Casale, at the Université de Rennes : Fonctions elliptiques. (french)
- A presentation for a lecture group on the Artin correspondance. (french)
- Another presentation for a lecture group, organized by Salim Rostam, on Specht modules, joint work with Florian Tilliet. (french)
Licence 3 (2019-2020)
Prépa ("Grandes écoles preparation courses") (2017-2019)