Low regularity dynamics are used for describing various physical and biological phenomena near
criticality. The low regularity comes from singular (random) noise or singular (random) initial value.
The first example is Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs) used for describing random
growing interfaces (KPZ equation) and the dynamic of the Euclidean quantum field theory (stochastic
quantization). The second concerns dispersive PDEs with random initial data which can be used for
understanding wave turbulence. A recent breakthrough is the resolution of a large class of singular
SPDEs through the theory of Regularity Structures invented by Martin Hairer. Such resolution has
been possible thanks to the help of decorated trees and their Hopf algebras structures to perform
the crucial renormalisation procedures. Decorated trees are used for expanding solutions of these
dynamics. They also appear for describing resonance schemes for a large class of dispersive PDEs at
low regularity.
The aim of this project is to push forward the scope of resolution given by decorated trees and
their Hopf algebraic structures. One of the main ideas is to develop algebraic tools by the mean of
algebraic deformations. We want to see the Hopf algebras used for SPDEs as deformation of those
used in various fields such as numerical analysis and perturbative quantum field theory. This is crucial
to work in interaction with these various fields in order to get the best result for singular SPDEs and
dispersive PDEs. We will focus on the following long-term objectives:
1. Give a notion of existence and uniqueness of two classes of singular SPDEs: the quasilinear and
the dispersive SPDEs.
2. Identify the process whose dynamic has the Brownian loop measure as invariant measure via an
extension of the resolution of SPDEs to discrete dynamics.
3. Develop the algebraic structures for singular SPDEs in connection with Numerical Analysis,
Perturbative Quantum Field Theory and Rough Paths.
4. Use decorated trees for dispersive PDEs with random initial data and provide a systematic way
to derive wave kinetic equations in Wave Turbulence.
5. Develop a software platform for decorated trees and their Hopf algebraic structures that appear
in singular SPDEs and dispersive PDEs.
Team Members
- Yvain Bruned (ERC LoRDeT), Principal Investigator.
- Paul Laubie (ERC LoRDeT), Postdoctoral Researcher, 10/2024-.
- Carlo Bellingeri (ERC LoRDeT), Postdoctoral Researcher, 2024-.
- Clarisse Valentin (ERC LoRDeT), PhD Student, 09/2025-.
- Hugo Nouaille (ERC LoRDeT), PhD Student, 09/2025-.
- Aurélien Minguella (ERC LoRDeT), PhD Student, 09/2024-.
- Yingtong Hou (ERC LoRDeT), PhD Student, 2023-.
- Jacob Armstrong-Goodall (University of Edinburgh, MAC-MIGS), PhD Student, 2022-.
Former Team Members
- Usama Nadeem (University of Edinburgh), PhD Student, 2020-2024.
- Foivos Katsetsiadis (University of Edinburgh), PhD Student, 2019-2023.
Photo from left to right: Yingtong Hou, Yvain Bruned, Jacob Armstrong-Goodall, Usama Nadeem.
Normal forms for singular dynamics: 3 to 5 of June 2025
Conference organised in Nancy funded by the ERC
- Dario Bambusi, Università degli studi di Milano.
- Zdzislaw Brzezniak, University of York.
- Jacky Cresson, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.
- Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
- Frédéric Fauvet, Université de Strasbourg.
- Loïc Foissy, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale.
- Sebastian Herr, University of Bielefeld.
- Tristan Robert, Université de Lorraine.
- Leonardo Tolomeo, University of Edinburgh.
We fund travel and local expensives only for the speakers but lunches and conference dinner
are provided to the participants. If you want to attend, please
contact me at .
Singular SPDEs, invariant measures and discrete models: 4 to 6 of December 2024
Conference organised in Nancy funded by the ERC
LoRDeT. Programme available at
- Guillaume Barraquand, École normale supérieure.
- Giuseppe Cannizzaro, University of Warwick. Talk can be found
- Ajay Chandra, Imperial College London.
- Pawel Duch, EPFL. Talk can be found
- Máté Gerencsér, TU Wien. Talk can be found
- Antoine Gloria, Sorbonne Université. Talk can be found
- Ludovic Goudenège, Fédération de Mathématiques de CentraleSupélec.
- Martin Hairer, EPFL & Imperial College London.
- Cyril Labbé, Université Paris Cité. Talk can be found
- Xue-Mei Li, EPFL & Imperial College London.
- Sarah-Jean Meyer, University of Oxford.
- Lorenzo Zambotti, Sorbonne Université. Talk can be found
We fund travel and local expensives only for the speakers but lunches and conference dinner
are provided to the participants. If you want to attend, please
contact me at .
Decorated Tree-like structures for singular dynamics: 27 to 29 of May 2024
Conference organised in Nancy funded by the ERC
LoRDeT. Programme available at
- Nils Berglund, Université d'Orléans. Talk can be found here.
- Alberto Bonicelli, Université de Pavie. Talk can be found here.
- Yvain Bruned, Université de Lorraine.
Talk can be found here.
- Damien Calaque, Université de Montpellier.
- Pierre Clavier, Université de Haute-Alsace.
- Yingtong Hou, Université de Lorraine. Talk can be found
- Paul Laubie, Université de Strasbourg.
- Camille Laurent-Gengoux, Université de Lorraine.
- Abdenacer Makhlouf, Université de Haute-Alsace.
- Dominique Manchon, Université de Clermont-Auvergne. Talk can be found
- Harprit Singh, Université d'Edimbourg. Talk can be found
Below a past workshop which has been funded by the ANR and it is connected to the themes
of the ERC LoRDeT:
Hopf algebras, operads, deformations for singular dynamics: 21 to 23 of June 2023
Conference organised in Nancy funded by the ANR
via the project LoRDeT (Dynamiques de
faible regularité via les arbres décorés) from the projects call T-ERC_STG.
PI of the project: Yvain Bruned. Programme available at